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Improper windows cleaning - Free icons pack
Unsachgemäße Fensterreinigung
La limpieza inadecuada de las ventanas
Pulizia improprio delle finestre
9 icons, 300х300 pixel, JPG format
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Clay Masonry Cleaning Manual
This manual covers the cleaning of clay masonry only and should not be applied to other masonry materials.
In addition to detailing cleaning methods, guidance is given on design and construction techniques to minimise staining and the need for subsequent cleaning.
Simple precautions will help avoid staining and disfigurement and are always preferable to later cleaning.
Die zu reinigenden Objekte unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Bauweise und Ausstattung stark voneinander. Neben Problemen, wie dem Umgang mit Reinigungsmitteln, die alle im Reinigungsgewerbe Beschäftigten betreffen, gibt es deshalb eine Reihe von spezifischen Gefahren, denen das Reinigungspersonal je nach Art der Tätigkeit ausgesetzt ist.
Astm special technical publication
Nine papers cover various problems of cleaning stone and masonry buildings, both ordinary and historic. The papers are divided into four sections: selection of cleaning methods and materials; historic structures; case studies; determining the effects of cleaning.
A Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Building Constructions, Louisville, KY, 18 April 1983
James R. Clifton
ASTM International
Previous versions
This is a booklet for workers who use chemicals to remove graffiti. Many workers use graffiti removal products daily. They may be painters, laborers, custodians, bus cleaners, phone booth cleaners, or others. Some workers remove graffiti as one small part of their jobs, but others do so for the entire work day. The products used to remove graffiti, and the job conditions, can be hazardous to your health and safety.
This booklet will help you understand these hazards.
Ochrana památek před graffiti
Mike Rowe travels to Hawaii where he harnesses up and hops into a bosun's chair to clean windows 40-stories above downtown Honolulu.
DIRTY JOBS profiles the unsung American laborers who make their living in the most unthinkable — yet vital — ways. Our brave host and apprentice Mike Rowe will introduce you to a hardworking group of men and women who overcome fear, danger and sometimes stench and overall ickiness to accomplish their daily tasks.
The Act - iPhone/iPad/iPod Full Playthrough
The Act is an absolutely gorgeous animated game, though despite being a short game. Hopefully there will be a continuation to this game as I felt it is possible that more can be added to the game and the relationship between the characters has more to be told, especially between Edgar and Sylvia.
What happens next? Do they go on a date? Married? Who knows but I'd say it will be a great animation film if there were more to this game. Soooo many scenarios can one come up with, but then again it will have to end somewhere.